"Intuitive Nutrition: How to Get Guaranteed Weightloss".


Intuitive Nutrition is the skill to distinguish clearly between the natural feeling of hunger (when it's time to eat) from the emotional, social or psychological reasons we (over) eat.

It fundamentally changes your approach towards to food, to help you maintain a healthy weight for life.

"Intuitive Nutrition: How to Get Guaranteed Weightloss".

This book offers practical advice on how to naturally lose weight and stay fit for life. The intuitive nutrition weight loss method (based on over 25 years of medical experience) will teach you how to eat while listening to your body. It includes: easy step-by-step guide that will help you master a correct nutritional behaviour, useful tips for weight loss and training tools on how to efficiently control your hunger.


Available in 17 languages. Please contact us for availability in other languages!

The Swiss Diet Kit helps reduce portions naturally, by diminishing the feeling of hunger. It is the perfect tool to learn how to control your portions and listen to your body, to keep off excess weight for life.

AVAilable in 3 Delicious flavours: